• Do you feel like there are decisions to be made and you’re not quite sure which way to go?
• Are you feeling stuck and you know something has to change but you can’t quite put your finger on what that is?
• Do you have good intentions to make changes but something always gets in the way?
You’re not on your own.
People have felt like this so many times before and they will do again. We don’t get given a rule book in life to follow all the guidance to reach the happy ever after point and stay there forever.
Fairy Tales are entertaining and we can get lost in their romanticism of how life can be. But there’s something better than reading Fairy Tales.
You can create your own story of your life.
You have that power in the choices you make.
It may take time, energy, focus and risk but the result is that you create a life that feels right for you, is aligned with who you are and what you’re passionate about. It feels amazing because you’re living your life – not someone else’s version of what your life should or could be.
So, what do you do when you find yourself at a crossroads in your life?
You start to make choices.
Make a choice to
1. Find out what really matters to you – sit with your feelings, maybe journal on them and get closer to what your crossroads is telling you. Tell the page all the thoughts that are running through your mind. It really does help to get them out of your head and onto the page.
2. Explore what is working for you right now, what brings you joy and passion? Conversely, what’s not working for you right now. There’s no right or wrong answer here. Be true to your feelings and don’t edit your responses to fit in with what you think other people would think or say.
3. Prioritise what might need to change in your life – your job, career, relationship, how you manage stress, reduce anxiety, find your purpose and passion. Choose your priority if you have more than one. You’ll soon find other things start falling into place when you start taking action.
4. Take action. Take one small step to changing that part of your life. Do you need to do some research? Do you need to seek support? Do you need to have a conversation? Do you need to take some time out? Do something. And then keep taking a small step each day – you’ll soon be heading down the path you’ve created for yourself.
5. Celebrate your successes along the way and choose to learn from any setbacks or mistakes. They will both happen and that’s just the way life is. You can choose to blindly carry on, getting frustrated with your progress and criticising yourself for errors of judgement or you can choose to celebrate and learn.
If you’re still reading, then you’re at a crossroads in your life.
Make a choice to do something different today, because if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.
Choices – we all have them at every point of our day.
#wilsonspirit #wellbeing #wellness #coaching #choices #crossroads #5toptips #makeachoice #takeaction