27 June 2024
In last week’s blog we talked about creating moments of calm and 83% of you responded to a poll that getting outside in nature is your go to choice to bring more calm into your life. This wasn’t a huge surprise to us because getting outside is one of our choices to balance out our days too. And we’re not the only ones – we talk with our clients about getting to know your real self, your core values and feelings to make decisions and create the life that feels right for you. Well, within each of us, there’s an internal feeling to connect with nature which has been termed “Biophilia” by E O Wilson. This concept suggests that humans have an innate affinity for the natural world, stemming from our evolutionary history when our survival depended on our knowledge of natural environments. It suggests that interacting with nature can lead to a greater sense of peace, happiness, and overall wellbeing. Being out in nature can evoke positive emotions, reduce negative thoughts, and increase the feeling of being alive and connected to the world . We absolutely get that – when we’re outside, it gives us more energy, we have moments of inspiration, develop creative solutions to problems and it changes our mindset. If we've got down from thinking about the troubles some of our family are facing or overwhelmed with work, the best medicine for us is to simply get outside, even if it’s just for a 15-minute walk at lunchtime. It’s a real game changer. Why don't you try it next time you notice that things are getting on top of you, take a walk and notice all the things you can see, hear, smell and touch. It brings everything back into perspective and you can continue your day feeling a little calmer and more focused. And as I type this, it’s currently blue sky and sunshine in the UK – so make the most of it! Where will you experience nature today? Let us know in the comments below.